Submit Flyer

Submitting your event flyer

To help the AA member find Social or Service opportunities and to help your event get the best turnout, we have created the District 61 Events Page. Since there are dozens of groups in District 61, we cannot post flyers for every speaker meeting. We welcome information or flyers for special events such as Dinners, Speaker/Dances and the like.

From the AA Website Guidelines:

Personal telephone numbers, without last names, may appear on event flyers posted to this site with the permission of the submitter.

Flyers for events sponsored by Northern Illinois Area 20 (NIA) Standing and Special Committees, NIA Conference Committees, Districts within NIA and Groups registered in NIA may be posted at the request of the sponsor.

Only NIA entities and NIA Groups registered with the General Service Office may post information to this site.

Anyone submitting information to be posted to the District 61 website affirms to the District 61 Web Administrator that the information is accurate and does not contain anything that could result in an anonymity break.

The individual submitting the information is responsible for removing restricted material.

Any reference to gambling is prohibited, e.g. 50/50 drawings, raffles, bingo; however, references to door prizes or non-monetary awards for participation are permitted.

Flyers that do not meet the guidelines will be returned to the submitter for revision with an explanation of the needed changes.

Email your flyer (.pdf format preferred) to: